Friday, November 18, 2005
New Pix of the Twins!
Here is the latest picture of my grand-babies.
The baby in the Bottom Bunk is already practicing socker moves. The one on the Top Bunk is practicing (ahem) "fouettés".
In a couple of months, I think that my daughter will be bouncing down the street without even trying!
She's finished with her first trimester (yeay!).
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Oh, My God! Little Ones!
I'm in shock! It has finally happened. My little one is going to have little ones (plural!) With this news, lots of memories of my prenancies came flooding back. ...and worries about my own baby Dina.
These little ones are very lucky because they will be surrounded by many loving people.
...and Louie will be a wonderful big brother
Monday, October 24, 2005
Parasites and scavengers in the wild are referred to as opportunistic feeders. They should add spammers and phishers under that category too.
It is very much like getting a case of hookworm, a parasite that can be gotten from just stepping in "it" - I guess the "it" in this case would be the WWW. If you don't go in and kill them first, they will polute your blog and kill it.
I activated the comment security thingy (a ha, you naughty little donkeys! Take that and die!) and deleted all the wonderful information about penis enhancement pills. I will continue to check my comments, hoping that they will continue cleanly from all my dear fellow bloggers and not - I'm amazed at the analogy here - spam infected crap.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The Fool on the Hill
My husband is definately part of the machine. I watch him moving and shaking things; connecting with people all the time, every day. I'm amazed that he loves me.
He has a gift.
It's funny. Once in a while, when I really want to participate, I try to be part of the picture. But, I'm a wrench. I am weird - a polysided peg in a round hole.
I've learned that I am loved by a few and I am who I am. I guess that there are people who are movers and shakers who are still very alone.
So..I sit on my hill. I appreciate what life has given me and I watch the horizon for what comes next.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Fun At Camp
Trudy and I are home from camp! We are both really tired and sore. If you know Trudy, you know that this is a good thing.
The people at camp ranged from typical people with typical dogs who just wanted to do fun things, to rabid "dog people" who do all sports and competitive things that you can do with a canine (conformation, agility, utility, therapy dog, flyball, lure coursing, frisbee, free style, rally O, shutzhund, tracking, field trials, cart pulling, weight pulling, go-to-ground, pier jumping and I know that I've missed something). I fall somewhere in the middle.
It was fun to sit back and observe everybody. It seems that, for some, the dogs are extensions of their own persona. Either what they would like to be or what they are. You begin to realize that there are as many types of people as there are dogs.
Trudy just loved everybody. Almost (not everybody) that she approached wanted to hug her. She is so soft and....happy. She had several best dog friends, Lucy, a spunky Shiba mix who she would play wrestle with for what seemed like hours in the evening when Mom was drinking wine and lounging by the fire with other Moms, Echo, an absolutely gorgeous brindled greyhound with an elegant tapestry collar an an silver and amber fob hanging from its loop (they played with gentle gusto at craft class and then would rest together with intertwined legs) and Adam the black "rock star" afghan hound who had a big crush on her.
Maybe she is what I wish that I could be.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Dogs, Horses, My New Car.....Life Is Good.
I'm starting to ride again. I found a really gorgeous new stable that is only 7 miles from my house. It is built on the highest point in LaPorte County, IN. The owners are a nice young couple from Chicago. He played polo. She was a pony club girl. They aim to run a friendly, family oriented riding establishment.
Went to a lesson a couple of weeks ago and was told that I could come and ride my lesson horse a couple times a week for free. This is an invitation that is only given when they think that you can fix something that they (a) can't or (b) don't have time to do. Said lesson horse, "Cody", is an old Q horse that was used for a competative event called Mounted Cowboy Pistol Shooting. The competitor rides really fast from "point a" to "point b" and shoots, with a pistol, several targets along the way. It is a speed & accuracy type of contest.
Well....Cody has only two gears: pa-doop, pa-doop, pa-doop, and vaaa-rrooom. He is very unbalanced from being "neck-reined" with a left hand - he actually has a neck like a banana that is bent to the right, - and leans into the left like a motorcycle taking a left turn. He physically can't bend his body to, gracefully with balance, make a left turn.
He's a good boy, though, and really tries hard. Last night we did a beautiful, soft, relaxed trot - doing figure 8s. It took a lot of concentration for him to make that left turn and, physically, he was challenged, but it was definately progress. A big plus - he luffffs peppermints.
We rode from the arena to the stable afterwards. The sunset was a gift from God. As Paula is prone to say "It was dope!"
Trudy was absolutely super at agility class on Tuesday. Next year we are aiming for some trials. .......and next weekend we are going to dog camp :D.
.....I also love my new car....It is also dope!
.....Just so that he is not feeling left out....I love my husband, too.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Two training groups. One not.
After my horses death, I have transformed my horse-training obsession to a dog-training obsession. I started puppy classes with Trudy at a dog club located near my house that seemed, initially, very promising. I quickly noticed that even the beginner classes contained people and their dogs who had been doing this stuff for a while. I though "Oh great! Serious dog people - great place to start!" After a puppy class, an obedience class, an agility class, and half of a handler's class. I got the feeling that I was dealing with folks who were on the inside ... and I was definitely on the outside. My dog was too small to be (in their estimation) a "good" English setter (They refer to the bench type - she comes from a long line of field champions). She was much too distractible. So...mmmmmby by! I think that the exclusive attitude there is fueled by a couple of the officers who take themselves way too seriously.
Hmmmmm...funny..when I started taking the twerp there, I talked to the breeder, a well-respected field trial person, and his reaction was that they were "snobby.....very very snobby" - I said "nooooo - they are really....OK....I know?".
Because I needed a more convenient class time, I found another group, near my work, to continue agility and obedience training. They don't have a big fancy website like the other place, but they do compete as a group. I found the agility class very well structured and the obedience class motivating and progressive. All the instructors are serious, helpful, and encouraging. Even Trudy is more motivated to learn there. We really looked forward to going to class. Trudy was stellar.
I even toyed with the idea of taking classes at both places, keeping some ties open. I took a handler's class at the snotty place. Trudy was distracted and silly - thumbed her little black nose at the instructor every chance she could get (she's wiser than Mom, I think) and the instructor was so exacerbated, that I dropped out of class in utter shame. I never got a return call or a word of encouragement - (which I took as a "good riddance to bad rubbish on their part).
Soo, I will call the breeder and tell him about this other place. I will tell him that he was right and if any of his new clients want to try obedience or agility, they should avoid the first place and try the second with high recommendations.
...and leave the first place behind.......good riddance to bad rubbish.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Wicked, Juice-sucking Spider - Arrogant Fly Wrapped in Silk
People who know the story, know of whom I speak.
Here is the story and riddle:
Once upon a time a magic spider, highly talented in charming ways, came upon an arrogant little fly. She know that he would provide a sumptuous feast because his mind was small and only on himself, so easily lured and trapped in her poisonous clutches.
The fly was never completely happy with the his little piles of crap. He always felt that he, in his irridescent glory, should have more beautiful baby flies, bigger lumps of poop and the adoration of all of the other bugs in the bush.
The spider approached the swaggering fly, batting her many mascaraed eyes and wringing her 8 long legs. "Oh, magnificent fly, I have had a poor miserable life, I've been knocked around from pillar to post. I will carress your lovely wings and provide you with what you need if only you will allow me to take a bit of fly juice now and then!"
The fly was wary but the spider's spun silk and constant dancing mesmerized him and her occasional jab went unnoticed. His baby flies were happy to see him so content, even though they thought that she was a strange and somewhat frightening creature. The other flies in the bush warned him that the spider was dangerous, but her adoration and carresses were just too much for him to resist.
Soon, all the rest of the flies in the bush noticed that the arrogant fly was getting wrapped tighter and tighter in the spider's silk. The spider was also taking more and more jabs between her wrapping and dancing and eye batting. The arrogant fly's family was getting very worried, but every time they came to see that the arrogant fly was OK, the spider would hiss and bare her fangs. The true ugly spider face was now apparent.
There were times when the spider slept, however, and one of the little flies went to rescue her father and attempted to dispatch the wicked spider. The arrogant fly became angry and told the little fly to go away and never, ever, ever try to hurt his lovely spider again, then settled down in the strands of ever tightening silk, smiled and dreamed of his spider's mesmerizing eyes and silken carresses.
Well the little fly fluttered away. Her heart was broken, knowing that her father would be happily sucked dry by the wicked arachnid. He no longer cared for even his own well-being, let alone the bush fly family who watched with horror as he was drained and discarded, all alone, by his beloved spider.
The riddle is:
What can you do for an arrogant little fly who doesn't understand that the little fly's love would set him free and provide him with a long and happy fly life and lots of beautiful little fly grandbabies, all bearing his lovely irridescent color. That the spider's carresses would only leave him a dried up shuck and miserably alone.
Stupid fly.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Wonderful Families! Good Vibrations
Everyone came except for my oldest daughter, dealing with contractors, construction and work, and my stepdaughter tied up with a hectic new job in Calorado. Hope they will make it next year.
Everyone had a loving wonderful time. Even baby boo, the disco princess, felt all of the wonderful vibrations in the air.
If God had a minute and came down, he would be smiling. He might have even had a Corona Light with a lime in it.
Monday, July 25, 2005
The Devil made me do it??
Been reading about how Harry Potter is influencing the world toward Satanism. Now, I happen to really enjoy Harry Potter. It always has been amazing to me, though, how a a series of children's books written by a down-and-out Scottish lady could just sweep everybody. Hmmm.
If you were the Devil, what would you do that would influence the future of the world: A. Push your message among the likes of Ozzie O. and Judas Priest and a bunch of heavy metal burn outs? or B. Plant an idea within the minds of all the sweet, innocent children (and many adults) in the world via an entertaining children's book?
Another weird thing that I've read about lately is the Illuminati, the World Order, and the hand signals that all the politians (not just Bush and the republicans) and "People Who Matter" flash. I think that, when asked, GWB said that the hand signal representated the U of T Long Horns - that should tell you something.
The top of my brain says "Oh for heaven's sake - is that stupid!" then somewhere deep inside a finger taps me and says "We never know the whole truth".
I've been reading too many apocalypse books.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Schadenfreude (he he he)
I really try to be a noble woman, but when I see someone, who has given me so much intentional grief in my young life, go through messy crap at the hand of someone of his own choosing, it just f____g feels good.
In my daughter's words - "There, I said it"
Schadenfreude is a German expression (from Schaden: damage, harm; and Freude: joy) meaning pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune or shameful joy. The word is often capitalized, however since all German nouns (proper or common) are capitalized it should be possible to spell it lower case in English.
It is usually believed to not have a direct English equivalent. For example, Harper Collins German-English Dictionary translates schadenfreude as malicious glee or gloating. An apparent English equivalent, derived from Greek, is epicaricacy. This word does not appear in most modern dictionaries but does appear in Nathaniel Bailey's Universal Etymological English Dictionary (1727) under a slightly different spelling (epicharikaky) and gives its etymology as epi (upon) + chara (joy) + kakon (evil).
Taken in a broader sense, it could apply to the feeling of being “blessed” because there are always people who are worse off than ourselves. Instead of compassion or pity for those less fortunate, we are thankful that it is they instead of us. However, it is never used in that sense in German, where it always carries a negative connotation. German actually draws a distinction between "secret schadenfreude" (a private feeling) and "open schadenfreude" (Hohn) which is outright public derision. Ultimately though, in the english language Schadenfreude is commonly characterized as "sick pleasure".
Some German quotes on Schadenfreude
- Schadenfreude ist die schönste Freude (denn sie kommt von Herzen). Schadenfreude is the most beautiful kind of joy (since it comes directly from the heart).
- Neid zu fühlen ist menschlich, Schadenfreude zu genießen teuflisch. To feel envy is human, to enjoy Schadenfreude is devilish.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Of Ultimatums and Truths
She told me that one of the owners (living in Palm Springs, no less) says that everyone is replaceable.
She doesn't get it. This is not an ultimatum. The idea of not taking this day off is not an option.
If I lose the job - so be it. Maybe it's God's way of telling me to start my own business.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
HELP! I want to kidnap a Border Collie puppy!
This is taking a lot of will power. My husband is trying to be the voice of reason.
My husband's niece just acquired a border collie puppy. She has two little kids. Her 5 year old wanted a puppy. She is not, per sey, a dog person. They have a fenced back yard. My reflex is - I want to rescue this puppy before they really mess her up. There are already problems with puppy dragging stuff off of the tables and peeing on the couch and chewing shoes (hmmm - submissive urinating from being constantly screamed at?).
When my sister-in-law told me that her daughter has a BC puppy, my first response was "She better be prepared for lots of energy and lots of patience and training". She responded with "...but we remember your Crystal (my BC mix who passed away a couple of years ago) and she was so smart and sweet and wonderful with kids!".
Crystal took some work. I then explained that I was a dedicated "socker mom" for Crystal. We ran every morning in the park at 6:00. We went to agility, flyball, obedience classes and competitions. We did this to prevent our house from being destroyed. We did this to keep from murdering her.
She was my alter ego. She was the dog love of my life. Don't get me wrong, I love young Miss Trudy. She is doing very well and I love her to bits. I don't and can't ever compare her to Crystal.
After my explanation, I took a deep breath, smiled and said " It will probably be fine. If your daughter finds her too much to handle, I would be happy to take her. The Trudster could use a young playmate." I also suggested that her daughter get thee to obedience class.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Rocky Mountain High - Low - High - Low
I think that I am more of a beach person. Give me sun, sultry weather, miles and miles of white beach, cool clear ocean water, a comfortable beach chair with a canvas umbrella, a good book and a large frosty margeurita anytime and I'm set. I find it easy walking down that beach for miles and miles everyday, jumping in the water to cool down, vegging out in the shade and getting buzzed from the sun and the booze. heaven.
A very interesting place that we visited was Leadville. It's 10,000 feet above sea level. The people there are mostly lost in the 70's somewhere. Who needs weed when you brain is screaming for oxygen?
Thursday, June 02, 2005
God called a kind, loving man back home
Someone, long ago, said that the "innocent" are the ones that just can't handle the "stuff" here on Earth. My mother was an "innocent" much like my X brother-in-law, Pete. He wasn't the brightest bulb in the basket but he always had a smile and exuded warmth and love. He always had a flirty word or two for the girls. He loved America. When I divorced Kay's brother, Tom, Pete would not give up the idea that I was a good person and always let me know that he was thinking good thoughts about me.
When I went into labor with my second daughter, Pete was the one that I woke up at 3 in the morning. He bundled me into the car and, in his still sleepy confusion, started to drive to the wrong hospital. With an apologetic smile, he managed to get me to the right place and everything worked out just fine.
I guess he just wasn't gnarly enough for this world.
I will always remember him nailing a hankerchief to the door frame and practice his Greek dancing. He never had a lick of rhythm but he sure had some fabulous moves.
He's probably showing God a thing or two, hangin' on some sturdy cloud somewhere, and making the angels blush and giggle.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Moi? Passive Aggressive?
Co-worker: Diane, could you please scan a picture and print it for me?
Me: Oh, sure, no problem. (I do it promptly and give co-worker print out.)
Co-worker: Oh, thank you, thank you. You are the best. Um, Diane, could you please take some of the pink out and get rid of the spot in the middle?
Me: Sure, no problem. (I do it, again, and give co-worker print out.)
Co-worker: Oh, thank you, thank you. You are truly the best. Um, Diane, could you please make some more copies?
Me: Uh, sure, ....when I have time (like when pigs fly).
Co-worker: Hey, Di, where are my copies?
Me: Haven't been able to get to it (like when you need a parka in Hell).
Co-worker: Well, I never?
Me:Well, I guess you won't! Then I usually go do it because I feel evil.
Why can't I just say no in the first place.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Jack, My Bestest Friend
Last night I met my "Ditz" quota.
Trudy and I went to agility class and we did very well. It was a beautiful evening, so I decided to go to the dog park and let her play off leash. We had a good time. She met a handsome German Short Haired Pointer called Baron. We worked on some off-leash agility, using the excellent equipment that they have installed at the park. Life was fine.
We decided to go home....
I leashed Trudy and we walked to the car. Reached into my pocket to get my keys and They were not there. Luckily a man was there to do some jogging....he let me use his cell phone to call Jack.
Jack could not find my extra set of keys at home...we were hoping that they were in the car (my inner-self just snickered). He came out to pick me up. We broke into my car (the rear window is plexiglass and we poked the toggle switch with a wire). My keys were not there (snickering inner self).
We left a note on my car and Jack drove me home. Luckily I found my extra keys on the kitchen floor behind my little lifty stool.
Jack drove me back out to the dog park (by the way, it's 1/2 hr. away) to pick up my car. It was 12:30 at night when we finally got home.
He never once yelled at me, glowered at me, called me stupid or tried to make me cry. He actually tried to make me laugh, instead. I asked him why he wasn't really really angry at me for losing my keys. He told me that it was because he loves me and and why would he want to make me feel worse that I already do, besides, he didn't wan't me to be angry at him the next time he needs me to rescue him... (long sigh)....don't I know by now that that is what loving someone is all about? .......just try not to do it again.
Life with Jack is good
Thursday, May 05, 2005
I want to go to Camp Dogwood!
There's a session in October - it's located in the Fox Lake area. You go to camp with your dog and do neat stuff off leash - likehiking, camping, agility and flyball. I get excited just thinking about it.
There is another session in February - It is an inside camp - actually located in the Purple Palace in Lincolnwood. They're going to have all the sports activities, and also T-touch, an animal communicator, message, stuff (if you are a dog person).
Trudy and I just might take the plunge!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Sin City
The Wynn Tower is amazing. It looks like it rose from the ground like the monolyths in 2001 Space Odyssy. It is simple, contemporary and very very expensive. It makes you wonder how they plan to keep all those Pine trees alive on the fake mountain.
Actually, Hell must be a bit like Vegas. Beautiful on the outside, nasty and mean on the inside. After a couple of days, the desk clerks begin to look like those demon ladies in the movie "The Devil's Advocate". The serging masses in the street begin to look like
the "damned", all looking for a drink of water.
Run, run, run, back to your pretty little place - don't look back, you might turn into a piller of salt
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Questions, Questions, Questions
1. who would play you in a movie about your life?
Meryl Streep. She could do it.
2. what one basic parenting tenet would you say you followed while mothering three girls?
You can't expect people to respect you if you don't respect yourself.
3. what was your favorite hairstyle you had in the 80s? looking back, what hairdo signaled that you may have reached the nadir of fashion victimhood?
1. A chin length bob that was really short in the back and really long and whiskery in the front, or
2. really blond streaked, permed and scrunched (it really played havoc with my hair, though - I vowed to never perm again).
4. is your life anything your 18-year-old self would have envisioned? why or why not?
Ya know, that is a hard one. I wanted my S.O. to really, actually, honestly likes me even when I'm snotty and unwashed. AndI wanted to be acknowledged for my talents, and I have both. (God works in mysterious ways l.o.l.)
5. what do you want to do for mother's day?
To tell you the absolute truth, I would probably like to go to a dog camp with Trudy, but (realistically) I really enjoy being taken out to a really nice bruch with Bloody Maries et al by y'all. I may just take her to dog park on Saturday for my fix.
The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Some People Just Love Drama (I guess)
Usually these people claim that they are the victims of constant vast injustice. The people who pay attention these beasts are the one who are constantly trampled.
Whenever I hear about such "bull"(lol) crap, I just step aside and think, "Bar-B-Que anyone?"
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Fraggle, who?
I've been so busy that I haven't even noticed that March is past and April is here. It's so funny that once the weather starts getting nice, you can't even remember the crappy stuff.
Easter was great. My kids again astound me with their ever improving egg painting skills. It is such a neat holiday because it is so laid back. This year especially, I just sat back and enjoyed the love and the beauty.
Miss Trudy started agility class (way fun) and we have been visiting dog parks (way way fun - for the Trude). I'm afraid, though, just like a little pre-schooler, she has contracted a mild upper respiratory infection. Going to the doctor today. It hasn't slowed her down any. She is such a joyfull creature. I am just crazy about her. Sometimes I'm afraid that I will jinx her because I dote on her so much.
Went to a shower on Sunday. It was very OK. I sat next to a wonderful lady who reminded me so much of a beloved X sister in law. She was fun and a bit wicked (re. my X's wife-who was there) but never in a really mean way.
I've been busy at work. Hey - it makes me feel important and...they pay me.
Life is good.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
I'm Sick of Being Cold!
We are so stupid. We know, perfectly well, that after cavorting around in little knit jackets and cropped pants, taking wonderful walks on the beach with the Twerp a.k.a Trudy Blue, listening to wonderful jazz with glass of wine in hand while looking at the sunset over the Gulf, coming home to Michigan frozen Hell is self-torture. You would need to stay away at least until April for it to make sense.
As I walk to my ice frosted car, swathed in my puffy, black, dirty michelin-man microfiber parka with a plaid woolen scarf wrapped around my poor little fuzzy head, I start to seriously wonder what the price of a little place off the beach would set us back.
....But then we are a hardy lot and this too shall pass. Michigan is a beautiful place in the summer.... I must repeat that to myself - over and over - as I scrape the ice from my frozen-shut car door.