Thursday, June 02, 2005

God called a kind, loving man back home

Today I sent beautiful white flowers to my X sister-in-law, Kay. Her husband passed away last Sunday.

Someone, long ago, said that the "innocent" are the ones that just can't handle the "stuff" here on Earth. My mother was an "innocent" much like my X brother-in-law, Pete. He wasn't the brightest bulb in the basket but he always had a smile and exuded warmth and love. He always had a flirty word or two for the girls. He loved America. When I divorced Kay's brother, Tom, Pete would not give up the idea that I was a good person and always let me know that he was thinking good thoughts about me.

When I went into labor with my second daughter, Pete was the one that I woke up at 3 in the morning. He bundled me into the car and, in his still sleepy confusion, started to drive to the wrong hospital. With an apologetic smile, he managed to get me to the right place and everything worked out just fine.

I guess he just wasn't gnarly enough for this world.

I will always remember him nailing a hankerchief to the door frame and practice his Greek dancing. He never had a lick of rhythm but he sure had some fabulous moves.

He's probably showing God a thing or two, hangin' on some sturdy cloud somewhere, and making the angels blush and giggle.

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