Friday, November 19, 2004

Witnessing Human Evolution!!???

Click on graphic to read comic...again. finally happened! My daughter's 30th brithday party brought both me and my X together at last.

After bolstering myself with several alcolic reinforcements, I approached, first his wife and then .....the man himself. My children were in a state of breathless suspended animation at the bar waiting for complete distruction. After all....we haven't spoken in 11 years

Our conversation was non-confrontational and....actually rather pleasant. No one wanted to rock the boat. My husband, Jack, had a long conversation with Tom about fishing. I gauked. Judy, my X's wife just talked about whatever prevented "dead air"

My kids, I think, were afraid of ruining THE PEACE. They were afraid that one word from them would turn the whole thing over.

There is hope in this world.

Posted by Hello

1 comment:

P said...

momma -- this post is from october. it's mid december!