Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Again - you are suppose to double click on the cartoon to be able to read it.

Everybody came to Christmas in spite of myself! Posted by Hello

It was a really wonderful weekend, even though I was one pony short of a load. After I had to put the General down, the last thing I wanted to do was deal with Christmas. I felt like laying on the ground and letting the world go over me. It didn't even matter that my house wasn't as "Holiday, in order" as it should have been or my cooking wasn't as great as it usually is on Christmas (I made turnips - for God sake), everyone seemed to have a good time.

My husband, Jack, even shed a tear when everyone left.

What more can I say - next year I promise not to make turnips.
(Paula - yes, I proof read)


P said...

momma, we had a wonderful time! everything was great and your house was very nice and fun and cozy. i loved dinner, even though i made a fear factor rat-o-matic roast. that was worse than the turnips! your turnips were done well -- it's not your fault they just taste yucky, right? everything else was so fun. we loved to walk around three oaks in the snow... that's the best.

love you, momma. thank you for having us! :o)

Casey said...

Let me just say, "I looooove Turnips!" We had a fantastic time, enjoyed your company, and I was fairly clueless to your lack of Holiday Spirit. It was great to be in Three Oaks, hang out with you guys, and best of all, relax.

Train to Three Oaks is now part of my "go to" vocabulary, so we'll surely be back as soon as V.I.Paula saves a weekend to enjoy company with her husband.

My rule for next time is goofy Holiday garb for everyone!

Make sure to tell Jack I think nothing less of him for shedding a tear on my grand departure. I can do that to people from time to time.



P said...

hey, momma! POST!