Monday, January 23, 2006

God - I'm Old!

These birthdays just keep coming faster and faster. A few more years (minus the pipe, but plus the shotgun and a couple more huntin' dogs) this will be me.

Just have to make sure my grand babies like dogs, apple cider and corn bread.


Casey said...

Happy Birthday - and I don't think you're old - you're a hip, cool mom - stay that way, no matter how goofy you start to look. (and maybe lose the pipe.) See you next weekend!

diane303 said...

I like the sporty red bandana and the straw hat, though.

That's what my hair is gonna look like when I finally agree to get a "perm".

Anonymous said...

please don't get a perm. and as i said before, you're not old!!! you certainly don't look old, or act old for that matter. you're only as old as you feel, and act. i think you are so much fun. silliness is by far your best asset. not many people are silly anymore, and somtimes you just have to be, it keeps you young.
i love you momma!!!

diane303 said...

Thanks :-)! I think that I am very lucky to have such wonderful kids who love me, even though I'm silly! lol.

Can't wait to get my hands on those grand babies! Silly is always good when Mom and Dad are stressed and serious.

Jack and I will have someone to take to all the cool kid flicks that are out there (although, not having little ones with us hasn't stopped us yet).

Scott Hess said...

I'm not your kid or kid-in-law, really, but I think you're one of the best people I know to hang around. I've enjoyed every time I've been in your company. Happy birthday to you! From one crazy dog-lover to another. Oh, and tell Zed I say hey.