I'm starting to ride again. I found a really gorgeous new stable that is only 7 miles from my house. It is built on the highest point in LaPorte County, IN. The owners are a nice young couple from Chicago. He played polo. She was a pony club girl. They aim to run a friendly, family oriented riding establishment.
Went to a lesson a couple of weeks ago and was told that I could come and ride my lesson horse a couple times a week for free. This is an invitation that is only given when they think that you can fix something that they (a) can't or (b) don't have time to do. Said lesson horse, "Cody", is an old Q horse that was used for a competative event called Mounted Cowboy Pistol Shooting. The competitor rides really fast from "point a" to "point b" and shoots, with a pistol, several targets along the way. It is a speed & accuracy type of contest.
Well....Cody has only two gears: pa-doop, pa-doop, pa-doop, and vaaa-rrooom. He is very unbalanced from being "neck-reined" with a left hand - he actually has a neck like a banana that is bent to the right, - and leans into the left like a motorcycle taking a left turn. He physically can't bend his body to, gracefully with balance, make a left turn.
He's a good boy, though, and really tries hard. Last night we did a beautiful, soft, relaxed trot - doing figure 8s. It took a lot of concentration for him to make that left turn and, physically, he was challenged, but it was definately progress. A big plus - he luffffs peppermints.
We rode from the arena to the stable afterwards. The sunset was a gift from God. As Paula is prone to say "It was dope!"
Trudy was absolutely super at agility class on Tuesday. Next year we are aiming for some trials. .......and next weekend we are going to dog camp :D.
.....I also love my new car....It is also dope!
.....Just so that he is not feeling left out....I love my husband, too.